Christ Church and St. John, Clapham
Say hello!
A world picnic for the whole community included live music and livelier seafood puppets in Christ Church garden.
Please do introduce yourself when you next visit Christ Church.
Canon Penny Rose-Casemore - Vicar
Lucette Ognami - SPA (Southwark Pastoral Auxiliary)
Jacqui McLoughlin - Parish Administrator
Hall Hire
Christ Church Hall on Union Grove accommodates 80 to 100 guests.
One off hire rate
1-3 hours - £55 per hour
3 hours + - £45 per hour
Regular weekly sessions
1-3 hours - £50 per hour
3 hours + - £40 per hour
St. John the Evangelist accommodates up to 200 guests, available until midnight as a hire venue.
One off hire rate
1-3 hours - £60 per hour
3 hours + - £55 per hour
Regular weekly sessions
(minimum hire of 3 hours) £45 per hour
Contact us
For hall hire, community activities and more, please contact Jacqui, Parish administrator, who will be delighted to help you.
Parish Office hours: 10.30am-4.30pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Postal address: The Parish Office, Christ Church, 39 Union Grove, London SW8 2QJ
Telephone: 020 7498 4625 (only office hours)
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